Saturday, June 10, 2023



Dear Joe,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share some thoughts with you regarding our journey in life and the need for constant evolution. We have come a long way, but I believe it is time for us to move on to the next level of humanity.

You see, there is a distinction between merely seeing things and having true clarity. It is not enough to be aware of our surroundings; we must also use our sight wisely and discern the difference between what is essential and what is not. This can be a tricky task, but it is a necessary one if we are to progress.

I propose the idea of a 13th step, an additional level of growth and understanding that we should start teaching and incorporating into our lives. Much like the 12 steps of AA, which serve as early versions of software to teach coping skills and help us function as humans, we need to upgrade our programs to keep pace with modern life. Just as a one-room schoolhouse relies on all the students to teach, we need someone to take the 13th step and lead the charge forward.

Remember, there is safety in numbers. We are stronger together, and we can accomplish more when we unite in our pursuit of growth and enlightenment. Let us all take the time to see this through, to explore new possibilities, and to embrace the challenges that lie ahead.

One aspect that I believe will be crucial in this process is time management. As we strive for personal growth, it is essential to allocate our time wisely and prioritize the things that truly matter. Additionally, let us not forget the importance of making a path for others. As we embark on our own journeys of self-improvement, let us extend a helping hand to those around us, guiding them along their own paths.

Finally, I encourage you to continue sharing all the positive energy you possess. Give away as much as you can every day, for the energy source from which it comes will replenish and recharge you. Remember that generosity and kindness are not finite resources but rather endless wellsprings from which we can draw.

Joe, let us embrace the idea of the 13th step and work together to usher in a new era of growth and understanding. I believe that with our collective efforts, we can elevate ourselves and humanity as a whole.

Wishing you strength and clarity on your journey.

Warm regards

ego go


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Meet Heather

Good morning!
You awake?
No, I mean, are you AWAKE....
To your divine magnificence
To the collective consciousness
To the intentions you're cultivating
To the spark inside of you
To your passions
To living on purpose
To what brings you joy
To all that you're co-creating
To where you're investing your energy
To how you feel
To what feels good
To your YES!
To what makes you come alive
To all the infinite possibilities for you
To the love in your life
To the love you have for others
To the love you have for yourself
To the beating of your heart
To the space in between the inhale and exhale
So, are you awake?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Good quote

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. 

Mark Twain

To me this is like when humans argue what is in written books. They are all man made and can never trump personal experience; that often times can't be articulated in to written words. 


Friday, February 17, 2017

Heart Chakra

4. Heart Chakra balancing

The heart chakra is the midpoint in the system of the seven centers, the balance is an essential principle of this level of integration. It includes both internal balance between the different aspects of our personality (mind and body, persona and shadow, male and female) and balance between us and the world around us (work and play, giving and receiving, social communication and loneliness). Finding this balance, support the general love and respect, because without balance within us is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve strong and lasting love affairs.

Ways for balancing the Heart chakra

  • Love- All wounds call for universal medicine of love. Being the cosmic fuel of the universe, love is the force that binds the depths that divide us!
  • Breathing exercises of yoga (called pranayama), which helps to open the chest and load your body with the vital energy prana, which is the element of air.
  • The Tears- Unrequited grief restricts breathing and deepening of breathing often relieve sadness. Sadness is like a heavy cloud in the air, which darken the sky, but once it pours rain, the sky opens to allow the sun to shine again.