Monday, February 6, 2017

Step 13

We must move on to live life at the next level of humanity. Seeing and having clarity are different. Seeing the the difference and using the sight wisely is tricky. We must start teaching a 13th step. Every program must evolve to keep pace with modern life. 

The 12 steps of AA are like early versions of software. 12 upgrades to teach coping skills to function as a human. It like a one room school house where all the students teach. Someone must take a 13th step to lead the charge forward. There is safety in numbers.......let's all take time to see this through. 

Time management and making a path for others. Seems OK. Continue to share all the positive energy. Give away as much as you can daily - the energy source will recharge you. 

OK 13 may be a wish. Someone must take the 1st steps to upgrade the software/program. Just looking forward. 


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